What is tomosynthesis and how is it different from a standard mammogram?
C It is a relatively new technology that is only available in some hospitals. Like a standard mammogram, digital tomosynthesis uses X-rays to create an image of the breast, but the resulting image is three-dimensional (3D) rather than two-dimensional (2D). In a standard mammogram, X-rays are taken of each breast from two angles (top to bottom and side to side), whereas in tomosynthesis, X-rays are taken of each breast from many angles to produce a 3D image for cancer detection.
It produces a 3D image rather than a flat one, breast tomosynthesis provides more accurate information about changes in the breast, including whether they warrant further evaluation. Studies have shown that tomosynthesis is more sensitive to changes than 2D mammography, is more likely to provide a clear result the first time, and is less likely to produce false-positive results. While there is a need for further studies, tomosynthesis may enable doctors to identify tumours that standard mammograms do not show, reduce the likelihood of false-positive results and the need for subsequent testing, and detect tumours in dense breast tissue that 2D mammography may not show.
However, there are some possible disadvantages of tomosynthesis, including the fact that it can take longer to interpret the images, is more costly than standard mammography, finding a nearby facility that offers it may be difficult, and it delivers a higher radiation dose than standard mammography. Overall, further investigations into the risks and potential benefits are necessary.