
New Parents Should Not Worry About These 5 Things

New Parents are always worried. Is parenting driving you crazy?? Here is your stress uncheck list. You may thank us later!!

Coddling your baby too much

It’s healthy. Warmth and touch from parents are very crucial for the sensory development of a baby. Teaching your child that he/she is loved will follow them through Adulthood. Studies have made clear that cuddling your child can boost brain development. It even helps release oxytocin, which reaps many benefits such as heart health, sound sleep and stress reduction for parents as well as children.

Coddling Baby
Coddling Baby

When the baby crawls/walk

Parents often worry about their little one’s progress. There are no specific guidelines for when a baby should crawl or roll as children develop at different rates. Though there are developmental milestones and an approximate age at which babies master new skills. Trust your paediatrician, to assess if your child is growing and developing as he should while you encourage your child to walk, talk and so forth.

Baby Walking
Baby Walking


Controlling Screentime

In today’s day and age, we can escape from technology. Even as adults we struggle to limit our own Screen Time. It is generally recommended to limit screen time to one to two hours per day. However, parents should be concerned only about passive screen time where a child is placed in front of a screen without interaction. Active screen time can be used for learning and bonding which involves interacting with games and activities. In fact, “educational” screen time can be beneficial. Undeniably being tech-friendly is today’s necessity even for toddlers.

Baby Screen time
Baby Screen time

Breastfeeding time

Breastfeeding is a skill which both mother and child need to learn. It takes some time to establish a feeding schedule. Just allow yourself time and trust your body and your baby’s instincts. Even if you must supplement it with the formula it is totally fine, just consult your doctor.

“Once our breastfeeding journey started all I focused on was a successful feeding term for 6 months at least. I am looking forward to self-weaning of my baby and until then, I will keep feeding him and cherishing this bond,” says Shefali Gupta, a blogger (@raising_rushu) and mother.

 Fixing a Schedule

Once a baby arrives parents get fussy about their eating and sleeping schedule. For working couples, it is a necessity too since once childcare leaves are over, they need to adjust the baby’s time as per their work timings. Babies will eventually figure out sleeping hours and eating time, you do not have to manipulate them. Just try to feed them more during the day and shorten nap timings and gradually everyone’s schedule will be sorted. Let the baby lead his timings it should not be another way around.


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