Fast X  first reviews- Check before you book your tickets

“It only took us 10 movies, but Fast & Furious has become a parody of itself.” – Hoai-Tran Bui, Inverse

“The most ridiculous Fast and Furious film yet.” – Jake Cole, Little White Lies

It’s time to hang up the car keys for good. – Adam Graham, Detroit News

Fast X is what it is, and that is an absurdly fun popcorn movie.” – Simon Thompson, The Playlist

It’s a film that somehow finds new and fabulously silly things to do with cars, while — Momoa’s questionable villain aside — being exactly what you’d expect. – Dan Jolin, Empire Magazine

Fast X is packed with all of the unbelievable, high-octane action you’ve come to expect and love.” – Ethan Anderton, Slashfilm